Professional Resume Writing by a

Certified Resumer Writer and Career Coach, 

Personal Branding Pioneer, Published

Author, and Global Industry Leader

Resume Writing Services and Rates

Clients Speak Out:

“After relocating to Florida, I received 10 interviews and 6 job offers within 10 days.”

Anthony Hubert

Retail Manager

“When I returned to the work force, I had a lot of different experiences that needed to be streamlined into a believable job history. Designer Resumes went the extra mile for me on every count. When I received my resume, I had a feeling of accomplishment, confidence, and power. I landed a fantastic job in 2 days that uses all of my talents, skills, and personality. I made the best decision of my new career by choosing Evelyn!”

Linda Ackley, Secretary

“I received 2 job offers 2 days after sending out my resume. I just love the designs, but It was the copy writing that did it for me. When Evelyn faxed me my proof, I updated my old resume with Evelyn’s writing and got a job immediately!”

Ginger H.
Executive Assistant


When considering a professional resume writing service, remember that pricing is directly commensurate with the expertise and effort put into your “Me Presentation” and the end result you will receive: lots of interviews, no interviews, or only a few interviews. Want the ability to choose from a number of positions and negotiate up your salary? Or get whatever comes your way—or nothing for quite some time?

Think all professional resumes will do the job of getting you a job? Think again. Anyone can hang a sign on their door that says “professional resume writer,” but it takes years to perfect this art and science. A “cheap” resume that doesn’t work won’t help you land the job you want and is money thrown away. More important than that, however, is that without an exemplary resume, it is future income lost—sometimes tens of thousands of dollars—waiting to land that job you want and need. READ MORE


Do You Know What Your Personal Brand Is?

Some resume writers won’t either. And that’s unfortunate because your Personal Brand Message is the absolute most critical thing to include in your cover letter and backed up in your resume with matching achievements, because it is what compels hiring managers to call you. A lot of resume writers really have little understanding about how to develop your brand. (Test them: “What are the 5 critical components of personal branding and how do you identify, develop, and incorporate my brand?”)

How do you determine the value of an exemplary resume?

Consider the income you may lose over the course of perhaps several months or more. You could stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars!

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Interview-Generating Resumes with a
High ROI and a Money Back Guarantee

An exemplary resume prepared by an industry leader who has perfected Personal Branding down to a science, receives exorbitantly more interviews and increases your salary potential to boot. Our clients are extremely pleasantly surprised about that after the fact.

Want it done right? You need a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (the top credential in the world) who is also a Personal Branding Strategist and Marketer. And in my case, a personal branding pioneer, a published author, and global industry leader as well. You can’t beat that.


Take a look at our industry-leading Credentials. Read our media exposure and listen to our Job Talk Radio Shows about personal branding and resume and cover letter writing (bottom of Home Page). Look at our Resume Samples to see how we include all 100 Resume Components of an Exemplary Resume and compare them to others.

Still unsure about paying an industry leader for the value you will receive? You can order a Designer Resume Package at absolutely NO RISK to you. If it doesn’t provide you with interviews, it is FREE, and we will REFUND 100% OF YOUR MONEY. 

Think about the return on investment you want to receive on your resume, then CONTACT US.  

NOTE: Although our resume rates have not changed over the past ten years, we Personally Brand your resume at no extra charge and include free graphic design to get your resume noticed before others.

With a 100% Money
Back Guarantee
on our
Resume Packages, you
have nothing to lose—
only interviews and job
offers to gain.



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