Professional Resume Writing by a

Certified Resumer Writer and Career Coach, 

Personal Branding Pioneer, Published

Author, and Global Industry Leader

Web Portfolios

Since employers check the Internet before calling you in for an interview or offering you a position, be sure your Web presence is a positive one that clinches the deal—so they can take that next step!

A Positive Online Identity: A Necessity in Today’s World of Work

“Savvy recruiters know that the best hires come from candidates whose web presence speaks to their contributions to their companies’ success —not those who are likely to respond to a job ad.”      

– TAD GOLTRA, Vice President, Recruiting – (previously from

“Hiring managers are using the Internet to get a more well rounded view of candidates in terms of their skills, accomplishments, and overall fit within the company.” 

Vice President, Human Resources –

One of the best ways to build your positive online identity is to have a Web Portfolio. Since your web presence is important to hiring managers (and they will Google you before deciding to call for an interview), why not astound them with your achievements?

Generally, your Web Portfolios should surface to the top entry with a site (or within the first three pages with a more common name). You can also use your URL during your ongoing networking and career management. It can be included in your business cards, Linked-in profiles, email taglines, articles you write or are sited in, etc.

As part of the global network, recruiters will be able to find and view your site, which showcases your expertise and achievements, and then contact you for suitable positions.

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Interview-Generating Resumes with a
High ROI and a Money Back Guarantee

Benefits of Having a Web Portfolio

  1. 1.Potential Employers who search the Internet for your Web presence before calling you in for an interview or offering you a position can find your positive online identity.

  2. 2.Hiring firms can locate you on the Internet when they seek someone with your qualifications to fill their positions.

  3. 3.A professional Web presence that showcases your achievements and identifies your personal brand will “wow” prospective employers to call you ahead of your competition.

  4. 4.Ongoing networking is easy when you provide your URL in response to a possible position when you might not otherwise have a resume available. (Note: It will be easy to remember as

  5. 5.Increases your job possibilities and interview odds as it puts you ahead of your peers and compels hiring managers to call you.

  6. 6.Can drive your salary potential.

Your Web Portfolio … Your Personal Website

We create Web Portfolios that command attention and get you noticed ahead of your competition. As in our Designer Resumes which have substantially increased our clients’ interview odds for more than two decades, we create stunning Web Resume Designs that put our clients’ best foot forward with your unique Personal Brand.

You can include as few or as many web pages as sufficiently sells you in your field, such as your Home or Intro Page, Resume Page, Bio or Credentials Page, Career Highlights, Endorsements, Work  Samples, Case Studies, or any other important criteria to sell you in your field. Includes a  resume download hyperlink to download your resume as MS Word, PDF, and/or text only. 


>> 100 Components of an Exemplary Resume